“I’ve been very pleased both times I’ve run with PDE. I think y’all are the most friendly with track newbies, which is why I brought people specifically to this event.”
-J. Min
First Timers
You are finally taking that step to come out to a race track and see what it is all about with Performance Driving Experience. Now, let’s make sure you and your car are ready for the track.
Tune Up
We do not have rental cars available. Although we do have some contacts if interested. Please be aware they are not inexpensive! Bringing a car (yours) is what makes PDE more affordable!
The most important part of your check list is your brakes. It doesn’t matter the age of your car as in most cases the brake fluid that comes from the factory is not adequate for track driving. We recommend changing it to a high temperature brake fluid but this is not mandatory. You should have a high performance brake fluid with a boiling point of around 600 degrees which you can get at most car parts stores. Two popular brands are Castrol SRF or Motul 600. Your brake pads should have at least 50% wear still left on them as you will be using your brakes often. You don’t want to run out of brakes while on track.
Your wheels must be torqued to the proper setting to prevent a loose wheel from coming off during high speed driving.
Your tires should have enough tread on them so you can have good traction, and tire pressures appropriate for track driving. Every car is different, so look at your owner’s manual or look on the driver side door. Set your tire pressures as recommended at the high end of the recommendation. This will help both save your tires and provide better performance. You should have a tire pressure gauge to help you monitor your tire pressures throughout the day.
Arrive at the track with a full tank of fuel so it will last you all or most of the day. However most tracks sell gas or at lunch time you can run out to fill up. Top off your fluid levels.
Your seat belts must be in working condition for both the driver and passenger as you will have an instructor riding along with you during at least your first day to help you learn car control and the proper rules of track driving.
Prepare for your ride
Gates normally open at 7am with morning check in from 7:00-8:00am and day ends 4:30-5:00pm. We give drivers a minimum of five, 25 minute sessions or four, 30 minute sessions on track. In addition for solo drivers at most tracks a 30-45 minute bonus open track session at day’s end. At each event, normally with three run groups: B- Beginner, I- Intermediate Solo and A- Advanced/Raceprepped. Beginner group has three morning sessions of ground school interspersed with being on track with an instructor.
Safety is #1 with fun a close 2nd!
You will need a helmet, open or closed face, and it must be an SA 2010 or newer Snell certified auto racing helmet (No motorcycle helmets). Look on the inside of the helmet to make sure it complies. If you don’t have one, there will be rental helmets available for $25.
Bring a small tarp to put your things on as you cannot have anything loose in the car. Floor mats are to be removed or securely in place. Also a folding chair to sit on in between sessions and some drivers bring a small pop up tent!
It is important to stay hydrated throughout the day. Drink lots of fluids. We provide cold bottled water at our events free of charge, but suggest you bring your own drinks of choice and lunch in a small cooler. Some tracks do not have or open their concession stands for our events. We provide days end refreshments.
Different tracks have different requirements on clothing. VIR (Virginia International Raceway) requires long pants and a long sleeve shirt. Most other PDE tracks require long pants and will allow short sleeve shirts preferably of cotton material. Closed toe shoes like sneakers or driver shoes are required.
When you get to the track, find a spot to park for the day so you have a place to come back to after every track session. Drivers are very friendly and are willing to answer and help you with any questions you have. Arriving early will give you a better choice of parking
Please be aware that most auto insurance plans and PDE do not cover collision or damage to your car at the race track. However track car insurance is available thru our partner Lockton Affinity. www.locktonmotorsports.com You can get a quick quote online in minutes.
When you see the checkered flag at the end of your session, it means your session has ended and you should use the remainder of the lap you are on as a cool down lap. Allow your brakes to cool down before you exit the track as brake temperatures are very high and could cause small pieces of tire rubber you have picked up on track to catch fire. Don’t set your parking brakes as it could warp your rotors.
Years Experience
Chance of a life changing experience
If you are a qualified driving instructor and would like to be considered for instructor status with PDE please e-mail steve@performancedrivingexperience.com with your resume.
The Tracks

Get In Touch
843-466-HPDE (4733)